Author: Louise Nye

English – Poetry Workshop

15th October 2021

This week, we had the pleasure of hosting the lovely Jo Stokes to provide Poetry workshops in school. Here are Year’s 3 & 4 thoroughly enjoying creating, writing and performing their poetry ideas. Perfect to see the children perfecting these skills  in readiness for the Poetry Recitals in school next week!

Drama – Duologues

15th October 2021

The topic of Year 4 this half term is duologues. They are working with different partners each week on short scripts for two actors. They have performed scripts titled A mermaid in the chip shop and The frog prince at the garden centre. This week they worked on a script called My friend is sad….

Music – The 80’s

15th October 2021

Here are some of the Year 5 children in front of their new Music room display about the 80’s decade. They enjoyed spending time discovering some of the artists and learning about the different genres that made up the very impressive time in music!

Poetry – Practise, practise practise!

12th October 2021

The whole school are hard at work practising for the school Poetry Recital! Everyone is excited to hear these wonderful poems read out loud. The children have chosen their piece or written it themselves and are busy perfecting their performances. We cannot wait.

Doodle Stars

12th October 2021

It was lovely to see more pupils take part in the Doodle Summer Challenge this year in Maths And English. They had to log into their Doodle account every day for 14 days and earn at least 750 doodle stars. Well done to all those pupils – wear your beautiful badges with pride on your…

Eco Stations at St.Michael’s

12th October 2021

Year 5 & Year 6 were invited by St. Michael’s Church to complete their Eco Stations.  The children explored different stations, where they thought about what they are doing to protect the planet.  The children wrote in sand to say sorry to the earth, which is feeling overwhelmed by the impact humans are having on…

Gingerbread in Pre-Reception

12th October 2021

The children in Pre-Reception had great fun learning all about the Gingerbread Man story. They all got the chance to help with the recipe, decorate the biscuits and of course carry out the all important taste testing!

Henley Literary Festival

12th October 2021

Across Lyndhurst took part in the Henley Literary Festival through the online workshops.  We were given the opportunity to hear from a fantastic line-up of UK’s bestselling and much-loved children’s authors, We enjoyed the workshops from Henley Literary Festival across the school this week. Reception & Year 1 listened to Kjartan Poskitt and Alex Willmore…

Sport – Netball & Hockey

12th October 2021

On Wednesday 6th October the U11 netball team played Our Lady’s school. The first two quarters showed a strong start with some good centre passes and the whole team moving into space. At half time Lyndhurst were in the lead. In the last two quarters Jasmine and Eesha’s accurate and consistent shooting made the final…

Sport – Football

12th October 2021

Year 6 and  Year 5 took part in the U11 football and netball matches against Our Lady’s School. The girls came away with a strong win, where they dominated the majority of the game with exemplary possession and defensive work. They finished 17-5 by full time. Well done, girls! The boys played a tough 40…