Author: Louise Nye

Pancake Making – Year 2

4th March 2022

Year 2 fully embraced pancake day this week. They researched recipes, wrote them down, helped prepare and follow the instructions and of course all enjoyed the best part – the taste test! By following their own instructions they were able to relate the written quantities to the amount of ingredients they put in. Some budding…

Fun in Little Lyndhurst

4th March 2022

Just look at the fun and exciting things our Pre-Reception class have been getting up to this week. So lovely to see their imaginations taking over when taking the ‘bus’ on a road trip through the classroom! Not to mention yummy pancake day activities, space exploration and some wonderful letter and writing practice.  

Fun in Little Lyndhurst

4th March 2022

Just look at the fun and exciting things our Pre-Reception class have been getting up to this week. So lovely to see their imaginations taking over when taking the ‘bus’ on a road trip through the classroom! Not to mention yummy pancake day activities, space exploration and some wonderful letter and writing practice.  

Drama – Pirates!

4th March 2022

Year two are focusing on characterisation in drama this term. They are exploring different characters each week. This week they became pirates. They loved exploring pirate themed drama games and they especially loved finding some treasure and improvising a tale about how they acquired their ill-gotten gains.

Pre-Reception STEM

25th February 2022

A fabulous hands on STEM experiment down in Little Lyndhurst with Pre-Reception this week. Hearts made with vinegar were covered in a bicarb and water mixture to make them fizz! The children loved getting involved and seeing the results first hand.

Surrey Fire & Rescue – Talks

25th February 2022

Thank you to Sharna from Surrey Fire and Rescue this week for visiting us and giving a great talk to Years 2 & 5. These engaging and informative sessions have raised our awareness of the brilliant work the Fire Service carry out to protect and care for us all. They were also a reminder of…

Sports – Hockey Fixture

25th February 2022

A great Hockey match this week thank you to Barfield and our Lyndhurst team. Great performances and teamwork from Liv, Rafferty and the whole team – some awesome saves from Sebastian. Great result for Lyndhurst with 3-2 final score.

Drama – Animals

25th February 2022

The drama topic for this half term for Year 1 is animals. Each week we will be looking at different animals and their characteristics. This week we went under the sea. The children explored different physicality for various sea creatures. They became jelly fish, dolphins, sharks and crabs, they performed an under the sea movement…

Doodle Superstar!

23rd February 2022

  Many Congratulations to one of our Year 6 pupils who has been logging on every day to DoodleMaths for the last 3 years – AMAZING – keep doodling!  

Healthy Me Day

23rd February 2022

This week Lyndhurst school embraced all things healthy. Staff and children alike enjoyed a full day off normal timetable to focus on fun activities to keep bodies and minds active and healthy. We learnt about nutrition, food preparation, hygiene & handwashing, exercise, dance and mindfulness all whilst having lots and lots of fun. Thank you…