Author: Louise Nye

Sport – Cross Country

25th March 2022

House Cross Country time! All the children were raring to go on a nice sunny bright afternoon. There’s nothing like a dose of healthy house competition to get the blood pumping and those legs racing around the recreation ground. Brilliant effort and determination from everyone. and the results: 1st – Knightsbridge 2nd – Cambridge 3rd…

Music Recitals

25th March 2022

What delight it has been to hear Lyndhurst musicians perform in our mini music recitals.  We heard children just beginning their journey learning a musical instrument perform.  It was impressive how confidently they walked to their instrument and performed with such composure.   We also had the opportunity to hear our more advanced instrumentalists including Lyndhurst’s…

Year 5 – LEAF afternoon

25th March 2022

Year 5 made the most of the wonderful spring weather and enjoyed a whole LEAF afternoon. They were able to put all of their skills to good use and put into practice everything they have learnt this term.

Year 1 – Winchester Science Centre

25th March 2022

Year 1 had a fantastic day out at Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium. They got to explore science to is absolute fullest! The children looked at gravity, how the ear works, sound waves, telescopes, contraction and much much more. We also took part in a Rocket workshop where the children got to design their own…

Olivia! The Performance

25th March 2022

Year 4 and 6 performed their long-awaited musical production of Olivia on Tuesday and Thursday, and it was worth waiting for. The children sang, danced and acted with enthusiasm. The audience were emersed in the story of the orphan Olivia who came to London and met up with characters such as Eliza Dolittle, Fagin and…

Drama – ‘Olivia!’ Rehearsals

18th March 2022

Last Wednesday years four and six had their dress rehearsal for their musical production of Olivia. They all looked amazing in their costumes. Their lines are learnt, the dance moves are perfected, and the songs are mastered. They just can’t wait to perform it to their parents next week.

Book in a Box

18th March 2022

Continuing on from our wonderful World Book Day event, Thursday this week was the day of the much anticipated ‘Book in a Box’ competition. With such good entrants with our previous years  ‘Story in a jar’ we thought we would introduce boxes this year! As ever the boxes turning up each day were a delight…

Art highlights

18th March 2022

Some colourful goings on in the Art department this week. Reception were getting creative with using split pins  to piece together their artwork. Elsewhere Year 2 were perfecting their kite designs, Year 3 were designing their own bright puppets. Year 4 added colour to their Gustav Klimt inspired works, whilst Year 5 researched logos and…

World Book Day – with special guest Alan Durant

18th March 2022

Happy World Book Day! There was so much going on to celebrate this day. Teachers shared stories from across the globe – Ireland, Spain, South Africa, Poland to name a few. Older children were able to share their favourite books with younger year groups. We were all able to enjoy some reading al fresco with…

Spanish Assembly

18th March 2022

Hola! Thank you to Mrs Hole for our Spanish assembly this week. The children were able to join in and have a go at trying common words and phrases. Those who take Spanish as an optional extra club were on hand to demonstrate what they have learnt so far. Well done to all that took…