Author: Louise Nye

Easter Bonnet Parade

6th May 2022

Happy Easter! Throwback to the end of last term and once around the block for the whole school. Some fabulous Easter Bonnets on display and the children loved creating and modelling them. Huge thanks also to FoL for hosting a very successful cake sale on the morning too raising £97.95 for the school. Thank you…

Spring Concert

1st April 2022

This weeks Spring Concerts went off with a bang. Showcasing music from all over the world, decades and Genres, the children really rose to the challenge of performing to a live audience once again. We enjoyed pieces from our Choirs, year 6 hand bells, year 3 recorder groups, along side the newly formed ‘boys band’,…

ISA Drama Festival

1st April 2022

Lyndhurst School was privileged to perform at the ISA drama festival which was held at Luckley House School on 29th March. 30 children from years four and six performed an abridged version of the musical ‘Olivia’. The adjudicator commented, “Lyndhurst School’s performance showed good ensemble work. The children were well rehearsed, and all knew what…

Reception Showcase – When I Grow Up…

29th March 2022

Reception parents were treated to an assembly showcase down in Little Lyndhurst last week. The children were able to dress up in a profession outfit of their choice, and tell us what they would like to be when they grow up and why. They sang a song that had learnt to the parents watching and…

Swimming Gala

28th March 2022

Years Reception through to Year 3 kicked things off with the annual House Swimming Gala on Friday. We have to mention just how excited and eager they all were to participate, do well, to harness a tad of competitive nature and a whole load of sporting spirit. Everyone without exception did brilliantly and we are…

Reception Trip – Surrey Heath Museum

25th March 2022

Thank you to Surrey Heath Museum for hosting Reception class on their outing this week. We arrived there and were given a wonderful tour of the museum. The children were all really interested in all of the artefacts and displays and asked lot of questions! Later on we enjoyed a workshop about old toys –…

Red Nose Day

25th March 2022

We loved joining in and raising money for a fantastic cause – helping people in need both here in the UK  and further afield. We had so much fun, with a whole school joke competition including some truly awful jokes from teachers! Later in the day came a fantastic house ‘nose’ and spoon race, children…

Spring House Quiz

25th March 2022

On Friday the Annual Lyndhurst School House Quiz was held. Cambridge, Knightsbridge, Tekels and Yorktown House had the chance to compete against each other.  The children separated into Reception & Year 1, Year 2 & Year 3 and Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 and worked together to collaborate and share their answers. The…

World Maths Day

25th March 2022

Every pupil at Lyndhurst took part in a range of fun Maths activities to celebrate World Maths Day on 23rd March. Pre-Reception enjoyed a Number Hunt, practising writing their numbers and then tackled addition of numbers greater than 5. Reception played Maths Games and Tens Bingo. Year 1 enjoyed an afternoon of carousel activities that included…

Sport – Cross Country

25th March 2022

House Cross Country time! All the children were raring to go on a nice sunny bright afternoon. There’s nothing like a dose of healthy house competition to get the blood pumping and those legs racing around the recreation ground. Brilliant effort and determination from everyone. and the results: 1st – Knightsbridge 2nd – Cambridge 3rd…