Author: Louise Nye

Bocketts Farm Trip for Reception

5th October 2022

Reception had a brilliant trip to Bocketts Farm.  They got to stroke and feed the farm animals, which they loved.  They also went with a tour guide to look around the vegetable garden to learn more about how the plants grow and they got to experience a tractor ride.  They all had a brilliant day…

Community spirit – supporting the Gurdwara for Surrey Campaign

4th October 2022

We are proud of one of our Year 6’s and a former student, who played the grand piano in the foyer of Camberley theatre for the launch of the campaign.  The event was attended by 250 people and they played with confidence and musical skill.  Fantastic community spirit!

Christmas Card Competition

30th September 2022

Christmas has arrived early at Lyndhurst School.  The children have been busily creating beautiful Christmas cards.  It was very magical event watching the children get creative with glitter and sparkles everywhere!  The competition has been very competitive this year.  A big thank to Mr Rudkin for choosing a winner and a massive congratulations to all…

Excellent LAMDA results!

29th September 2022

Congratulations to the students who took their LAMDA acting exams at Lyndhurst school in July.  We had excellent results with all the children who took their exams passing with a distinction. Congratulations LAMDA actors!  

Environment Prayer Stations

29th September 2022

Thank you to St. Michaels Church and Rev. Pippa Ford for hosting us for the Environment Prayer Stations. Year 3 and Year 4 children were invited to St Michael’s Church to examine the ways in which we can care for our environment. They identified areas of the world affected by climate change, the animals nearing…

French in Little Lyndhurst

29th September 2022

Pre-Reception have been enjoying French this term.  They have had lots of fun learning about wild animals! They can recognise lots of the French words and they love doing the actions!  Brilliantly, some of the children can say them on their own. They have loved playing Follow my Leader and Hide and Seek too.  

Year 3 Bignor Roman Villa Trip

23rd September 2022

Year 3 had an exciting visit to Bignor Roman Villa in West Sussex.  They had the opportunity to see authentic remains of a Roman home with world-class mosaic floors and baths. They found Medusa and her snakes in a mosaic, as well as some incredible relics that have been found in the farm. The children practised…

Year 4 Trip to Hampton Court

23rd September 2022

Year 4 had a brilliant trip to Hampton Court where they took part in a fantastic workshop about Tudor Kitchens.  The children took part in some drama, pretending to roast chickens and geese, as well as finding out that the Tudors ate pasta but not potatoes! They were very surprised that potatoes were introduced in…

National Fitness Day

22nd September 2022

Lyndhurst School ‘joined the movement’ on Wednesday 21st September to highlight to the children the role physical activity plays in assisting us to lead healthier lifestyles. Fitness united us all on the Astroturf for 10 @ 10:00 am.  All the children from Year One to Year Six completed 10 minutes of exercise including Star jumps,…

Wellington Country Park

11th July 2022

Pre-Reception and Reception classes enjoyed a fantastic trip to Wellington Country Park last week.