Author: Louise Nye

Year 2 Lookout Discovery Centre

18th October 2022

A big thank you to The Lookout in Bracknell for a fantastic Year 2 trip.  The children loved exploring, investigating and having fun with science, technology, engineering, art and maths. When the children arrived, they were greeted by their host Jaya. They were talked through all of the safety rules and first explored the woodland…

Reading Day

17th October 2022

Everywhere we look, we see children reading – looks like the Readathon is working and encouraging Lyndhurst pupils to spend more time with their books! We would like to say a big thank you to Katie, Katie Book Lady (, for helping us have a fantastic day celebrating Reading Day.   There were shared reading sessions…

Year 6 Exam Morning Experience

14th October 2022

We are so proud of our Year 6 children as they confidently embraced their ‘Exam Experience Morning’.  They completed an English paper, followed by Maths paper then Creative Writing.  After their round of individual and group interviews, which they were incredibly professional and confident in, they completed verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning on the iPads. …

Friends of Lyndhurst Quiz Night

14th October 2022

Thank you to the Friends of Lyndhurst for hosting the 2022 Quiz, Fish and Chips night.  There was a brilliant turnout to this annual event which saw 8 teams test their knowledge in a battle to take home the winner’s trophy.  Congratulations to Quizzy Kwarteng, the winning team who narrowly snuck past to beat the…

Pirates Landing Nursery and Pre-Reception trip

14th October 2022

A massive thank you to all of the staff at the Pirates Landing for the warm welcome to our Nursery and Pre-Reception children at Little Lyndhurst. They all had an amazing time whizzing down the slides, wading through the ball pools, climbing and exploring all of the soft play.  They were definitely very tired little…

Breadmaking in Reception

12th October 2022

Reception did a brilliant job making bread rolls from scratch.  They carefully weighed out all the ingredients paying close attention to the weighing scales, then they all had a turn mixing all the ingredients together.  They waited very patiently whilst the bread proved and enjoyed seeing how much it had risen.  The children loved kneading…

Harvest Festival Assembly

11th October 2022

Like around the world, Lyndhurst celebrated harvest festival in their assembly.  A big thank you to Reverend Pippa and Tori (Children’s and Youth Worker) from St Michael’s Church for coming to lead the assembly.  The children reflected on how the harvest festival celebration is a time to be thankful for all the good things in…

Under 11s Football team versus Waverley School

7th October 2022

A rain-soaked afternoon saw Waverley meet Lyndhurst for two under 11s football matches. An excellent display of goalkeeping from Sebastian and Liv kept many Waverley shots from going in, and a strong defensive effort prevented many more opportunities. Strong offensive plays from Harriet, Rafferty and Monty helped Lyndhurst to stay dominant throughout the matches. Unfortunately,…

Lyndhurst Butterfly

7th October 2022

“Spread your wings and see how far you can fly.” The children have created a whole school butterfly to remind us that it is important to do something new and take risks at school. “Until you spread your wings, you’ll have no idea how far you can fly.”  At Lyndhurst every day the children are…

Reception to Year 2 Harvest Festival Workshop

6th October 2022

Reception to Year 2 were very lucky to have been invited to St Michael’s Church to take part in a workshop about the upcoming Harvest Festival. When the children arrived, they were introduced to the topic through a game where they had to guess the fruit and vegetables.  Reverend Pippa Ford was impressed with their…