Author: Louise Nye

Year 1, 2 and 3 cinema visit to see Sing 2

9th November 2022

As part of Into Film Festival Year One to Year Three were fortunate to visit Camberley Vue Cinema to watch ‘Sing 2’.  The Festival provides an opportunity for the film industry to inspire our children to understand and make film in new and creative ways. ‘Sing 2’ was a fantastic start to what promises to…

Year 5 and 6 Holy Communion and Eulogies

9th November 2022

A big thank you to Reverend Pippa Ford and Tori who welcomed the Year 5 and Year 6 to St Michael’s Church in Camberley to learn about Holy Communion and Eulogies.  These are a significant part of Christianity and their religious ceremonies. The children were reflective with their response to sharing their grieving experiences and…

Reception to Year 2 Messy Church

31st October 2022

A big thank you to Reverend Pippa Ford and Tori from St Michael’s Church who visited the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for Messy Church.  The children had lots of fun learning all about Jonah and the Whale. Reverend Pippa showed the children clips about how Jonah got swallowed by the whale. …

Year 3 Van Gogh pictures

31st October 2022

Year 3 have been enjoying learning all about the artwork and techniques of Vincent Van Gogh.  They have worked really hard in creating their own sunflower artwork.  Our Art Teacher was really impressed with how hard they worked and how beautiful they looked!  Well done Year 3!

Year 2 Sikhism talk

21st October 2022

A big thank you to one of our parents and Grandparent, Dādā jī who came in to discuss Sikhism with our Year 2 children.   The children were excited to be able to build on their current knowledge of the religion and ask some wonderful questions.   They started by exploring the history of the religion and…

Year 3 Halloween Music

21st October 2022

As Halloween approaches, Year 3 have learnt a version of the chorus from the Addam’s family song on the Glockenspiels.  This was a great exercise in listening and rhythm challenges, not forgetting we needed to dust off our ‘clicking’ fingers too! We also had time on the new bells, as well as the piano. It…

Tudor Artwork by Year 4

21st October 2022

Year 4 have been studying all about The Tudors.  As part of this learning, they have worked really hard creating Henry VIII’s portrait.  Our Art Teacher, Mrs Dodds was very impressed with how much care the children took in completing this.  They also had fun designing their own coat of arms.

Under 11s Football – Lyndhurst versus Barfield

21st October 2022

The Under 11s Boys met Barfield School this week to play a trio of football matches.  There was some strong goal keeping from Monty and Seb coupled with the excellent defense of Lyndhurst meant that it was majority one way traffic up the pitch towards the Barfield’s goal. Chances from Raff and Buck meant that…

Year 1 trip to Portsmouth Blue Reef Aquarium

21st October 2022

A big thank you to the Blue Reef Aquarium in Portsmouth for hosting the Year 1 trip.  They got fully submerged in their ‘Under the Sea’ topic!  The Year 1 children got to take part in a shark workshop where they got to feel and see different shark teeth!  They were all amazed by them…

Year 5 and 6 Democracy Workshops

21st October 2022

Years 5 and 6 were fortunate enough to be invited to the Surrey Heath Council Offices in Camberley this week. They held a mock council session, overseen by the Mayor Helen Whitcroft, where they discussed the issue of dog fouling and how to combat it. Excitingly, the children were then offered a mock poll based…