Author: Louise Nye

Little Lyndhurst – Sorting

19th October 2023

Little Lyndhurst have been enjoying the topic of sorting.  They have been looking at what rule should be used in a sorting activity, whether it should be sorted by size or colour.   The children in Little Lyndhurst independently sorted the little bears dependent on their size.  The children really enjoyed lining them all up in…

Reception’s Duck Hunt

19th October 2023

Reception class have been reading ‘Pumpkin Soup’ by Helen Cooper, but you will never guess what happened.  The character Duck actually went missing! Miss Morgan told us she saw some signs at the park. We went on a duck hunt and found, feathers, peck marks and even footprints, while also having lots of fun. When…

Year 2 Working to a Budget

19th October 2023

Year 2 are very excited about cooking s’mores over the campfire as part of their upcoming leaf lesson.  During one of their maths lessons, Year 2 were given the task to work with a budget of £5 to get the ingredients for this activity.  They had to look up the ingredients they needed and then…

Under 11s Football Match versus Barfield School

19th October 2023

Lyndhurst Under 11s boys team met Barfield School on a very wet and windy afternoon.  The conditions were poor from kick-off, but Lyndhurst were determined in their play. Strong up front play from Zoravar and Naik put early pressure on and some excellent goal keeping from Sebastian on one pitch and Alex and William on…

Making Pumpkin Soup

19th October 2023

Reception have been enjoying reading the book ‘Pumpkin Soup’ by Helen Cooper.  They have loved hearing about the animals having their own jobs to do when they cook, and they especially enjoyed the mayhem that occurred when duck wanted a turn at stirring the pumpkin soup.  The children in Reception class have got to enjoy…

Little Lyndhurst – Car racing

19th October 2023

Little Lyndhurst had a brilliant time staging their own car races.  The loved pushing the cars down the track, helping to develop their gross motor skills.   The children enjoyed seeing which place their car came on the race track.  They learnt about first, second and third place, helping with their understanding of ordinal numbers.  The…

Year 2 Great Fire of London

17th October 2023

Year 2 have been really enjoying their topic of The Great Fire of London.  They used recycling to create brilliant models of the types of buildings that got destroyed in the Great Fire of London at Pudding Lane.  Once they had finished building their own Pudding Lane, they had the excitement of burning it all…

Lyndhurst School Recycling Monster

17th October 2023

At Lyndhurst School, we are always actively encouraging children to recycle items where they can’t be reused.  To help with this encouragement, we have a new arrival at the school…the Lyndhurst School Recycling Monster.  All the children can enjoy feeding it their recycling items and we look forward to watching their imagination go wild thinking…

Year 1 Birdworld adventures

13th October 2023

The Year 1 children had a wonderful time at Birdworld, where they learned about different birds from around the world and their habitats. We particularly enjoyed watching the penguins being fed, although the smell wasn’t so great! Did you know that there are penguins in Southern Africa, not just the South Pole! The toucan was another…

Lyndhurst’s green fingers supporting the Co-op

10th October 2023

Earlier this year, our pupils kindly donated some seedling that they grew over the half term holidays, as part of the the Co-op’s Spring Challenge to support Yateley Industries Community Pantry Garden Project.   We are delighted to share an update on how the seedlings have blossomed into fabulous plants.  The community there have harvested some of the…