Author: Louise Nye

Little Lyndhurst Trip to the Park

23rd January 2023

Nursery and Pre- Reception enjoyed their trip to the park this week, it was a little chilly, however they had such a lot of fun exploring all of the equipment that they soon warmed up.  

Little Lyndhurst – Number Three

23rd January 2023

Nursery in Little Lyndhurst have been learning about the number 3 by learning all about the story the Three Little Pigs.   The children each had to choose three pieces of food for the pigs to take on their picnic. They listened well to the instructions and loved feeding the pigs their picnic food! Pre-Reception are…

Year 3 Times Table Fortune Tellers

23rd January 2023

Year 3 are continuing their learning of multiplication and times tables.   The children made some “Fortune Tellers” to help them practise even more.  They enjoyed using them with their friends in the class.  Keep up the good work practising the 3-, 4-, 5- and 8-times tables at home.

Year 4 and 6 Wonderland

23rd January 2023

Rehearsals continue to go very well for the Year 4 and 6 musical production ‘Wonderland’.  The children are all doing really well with their lines and are now moving to be script-free.  The children will be having additional singing lessons to really get the songs into their heads. Costume letters should be being sent home…

All tied up in LEAF for Year 1

23rd January 2023

Year 1 had a great LEAF lesson where they spent some time outside making fishing rods from sticks and string.  They have been working really hard on their knot tying skills again.  No fish were caught but lots of fun was had by all the children.       

Judaism in Year 5

23rd January 2023

Within RE, Year 5 have been examining Jewish artefacts in an effort to understand more about Judaism and how its followers live their lives.  They really enjoyed reading the Jewish stories and understanding the importance of the Menorah to Jewish families.    

Winter in Little Lyndhurst

23rd January 2023

Little Lyndhurst’s topic has been all about Winter, which has been perfect in this frosty weather!  The children have enjoyed range of activities, including designing their own snowman, which have been displayed in their classroom.  The snowmen were all so different and had their own character.  Some of the children helped to make Little Lyndhurst’s…

Little Lyndhurst LEAF lesson

23rd January 2023

During one of Little Lyndhurst’s LEAF session, our amazing LEAF teacher gave the children tasks to do, such as find some sticks then make a square, find some rocks/ stone to make a circle.  The children loved exploring and finding all of the natural resources to make their shapes.  Afterwards, the children all went on…

Designing and sewing cushions in Year 5

23rd January 2023

Last term Year 5 were busy designing and creating beautiful cushions.  They have all worked really hard to create stylish and personal designs, their art teacher was very proud of them.  They all did brilliantly sewing and produced really neat stitches and amazing cushions.  They can’t wait to take them home!  Well done Year 5….

Ugly Ducking drama in Reception

23rd January 2023

Reception class are performing fairy tale stories in drama this term. They have been performing the classic tale of the Ugly Duckling. They loved becoming the eggs waiting to hatch and the ducklings who teased the ugly duckling.  As you can see Reception class had some really good ugly duckling faces as well.