Author: Louise Nye

Little Lyndhurst – Pirate PE

2nd February 2023

During PE, the children got to enjoy a fantastic obstacle course. The children had to pretend they were pirates gathering treasure whilst balancing along the beams. They had to hold their treasure very carefully and if it dropped the crocodile would gobble it up.  They children had so much fun and got into character extremely…

Lyndhurst School’s Chosen Charity

30th January 2023

Linked with Year 6’s Griffin Award they have voted for Lyndhurst School’s chosen charity for 2022 – 2023.  As eloquently stated by a child there are many charities worthy the school’s support.  However, as a school we are focusing on raising funds for one charity.  Four children presented their reasons for supporting different charities.   Educate…

Chinese New Year in Reception

30th January 2023

Reception has been enjoying learning all about Chinese New Year.  They have been really busy making their own Chinese dragons, enjoying a pretend Chinese restaurant and trying fortune cookies.  They also had a go at writing some numbers in Chinese.  In English, they wrote a sentence about Chinese New Year in their books and worked…

Push and pull forces in Year 1 STEM

30th January 2023

Year 1 have had lots of fun during their latest STEM lesson.  They had a lesson all about push and pull forces and they loved using toy trains to experiment with this.  They then went to London Road Park to have a go at pushing and pulling on the swings, see-saw, and roundabout.  They were…

Skeletons in Year 3

30th January 2023

In science in the Year 3 class, they have focused their learning on the human skeleton.   They have enjoyed learning a new rap with the names of the bones (here it is, in case you fancy singing at home:  The children also had lots of fun making their own skeletons out of cotton buds….

Year 5 Animals in French

30th January 2023

This half-term Year 5 are extending the topic of animals to include reading an authentic French children’s book called ‘Bon Appetit, Monsieur Lapin.’ In preparation for this, they have been revising their phonics and learning some new phonemes.  After listening to the story several times, they had to sort the text into the correct order,…

Lyndhurst Media Club TV appearance

30th January 2023

Lyndhurst Media Club has been abuzz with excitement after appearing on national television in Ireland last week as part of the 20th birthday celebration for News2day (a show similar to Newsround) that our very own Media Teacher, Miss Joyce, presented a few years ago. The whole school got together to watch the show and celebrate the success…

House meetings

30th January 2023

There was a community feel around the school as Reception to Year 6 met for their House Meetings.  The children shared how they had received their House Points so far this year and there were celebrations amongst the Houses that have already won the weekly House Point Trophy.  Many great ideas were shared on how…

QR codes and mathematics for Year 2

23rd January 2023

Year 2 have a new IT topic this term which is focusing around QR codes and linking it to their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  Throughout this topic they will be making their our own QR codes and placing them around the school for other children to answer their maths questions.  

Little Lyndhurst explores Spring and Summer

23rd January 2023

Little Lyndhurst are exploring the topic of Summer and Spring.  There has been lots of group discussion on what their favourite season was and why they chose it.  The children have enjoyed finger painting beautiful flowers, hand printing lovely butterflies and cutting and sticking their own ice-cream sundaes, which looked very tasty!