Author: Louise Nye

Reception to Year 2 Messy church

7th February 2023

A big thank you to Reverend Pippa Ford and Tori who visited Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 from St Michael’s Church for a messy church session.  The children learnt all about Zachariah and the tree. When they finished listening to the story, they got to decorate their own Rich Tea biscuits with icing, colour…

Friends of Lyndhurst Beer and Bingo

6th February 2023

Thank you to the Friends of Lyndhurst (FoL) for hosting the 2023 Beer and Bingo night and to all of the parents who came along to support it.  There was a good turnout to this annual event which saw parents on a quest for four corners, a line or a full house.  It was a…

Year 6 Micro-organisms

6th February 2023

Year 6 have begun growing mould for their Micro-organisms experiment. They are testing the different conditions that mould grows well in.  So far, moist bread on the classroom windowsill has grown the most, with several mould spots of up to 0.7cm wide.  We look forward to seeing the final results. They have also been examining…

Year 1 Art – Under The Sea

6th February 2023

Last term, Year 1 enjoyed learning all about the topic ‘Under the Sea’.  They did a brilliant job showcasing their knowledge of what they had learnt to their parents when they presented lots of facts about sea creatures and sang beautifully.  To accompany this parent showcase, all the children in Year 1 worked with our…

Year 1 Under The Sea Showcase

6th February 2023

Last term, Year 1 were learning all about the topic ‘Under the Sea’.  Their class teacher, Miss Taylor welcomed parents in to allow all the children in Year 1 to showcase all of the wonderful facts that the children have learnt about the ‘Under the Sea’ topic.  The children impressed all their parents and their…

Year 3 drama – using scripts

6th February 2023

In drama this term, Year 3 have been using scripts. This week they performed ‘Three Goats’.  The class was put into small groups and each group had a director who directed their cast, they rehearsed and performed to the rest of the class. It was interesting to see the different outcomes from each performance even…

Food and drink for Year 4 French

3rd February 2023

Year 4 are extending their understanding of our food and drink topic; this term we are talking about our loves, likes, dislikes and hates. We have been learning how to make some words plural, and also realising that with food and drink we often don’t make them plural when we talk about our preferences. We’ve…

Under 11s hockey and tag rugby versus Barfield School

3rd February 2023

Lyndhurst School met Barfield School at both an under 11s hockey and an under 11s tag rugby match.  All of Years 5 and 6 played well, with some blinding runs and solid defence.  Lyndhurst came away winning the hockey and one of the rugby matches. Well done everybody!

Year 3 enjoying a Violin performance

3rd February 2023

Whilst the year 3’s have been looking into the elements and creations of an Orchestra, including the families.  It was the perfect time for a visit from one of Mrs Peacock’s daughters, to showcase her talents on the violin.  The children thought of some interesting questions to ask about choosing the Violin, and how hard…

Little Lyndhurst – Chinese New Year

2nd February 2023

Little Lyndhurst has been enjoying learning all about Chinese New Year.  They have listened to some beautiful Chinese music, tasted fortune cookies and prawn crackers (which they really loved and wanted more).  The children had fun exploring on a Chinese lucky envelope hunt around the classroom.  Inside the envelopes were numbers, the children had to…