Author: Louise Nye

Reception Maths

10th February 2023

Reception have been having fun exploring numbers and maths.  They enjoyed counting the spots on dominoes and matching them to the correct numbers, which they did a brilliant job matching them up.  The children   also enjoyed using the weighing scales and counting out the correct number of frogs to balance the scales.  The children…

Year 3 STEM

10th February 2023

Year 3 have been continuing their learning about the human body and used every opportunity to make models. First, they used cotton buds to make human skeletons, then they represented biceps and triceps with elastics, to show how when one muscle contracts, the other one expands. Lastly, they used straws and raisins to model the…

Year 1 Valentine’s Art

9th February 2023

Year 1 got in the romantic mood making beautiful Valentine’s butterflies.  They are all stuck them up in the Year 1 classroom window ready to fly home for Valentine’s day.

Year 4 PSCHE Funniest Potato Competition

9th February 2023

Year 4 had so much fun with the Funniest Potato competition in their PSCHE lesson teaching them about collaborative working.  There were 3 teams in the class (green, yellow and purple) and the children had to work together to design a Potato Person. They needed to create a funny personality for the Potato, give him…

Year 4 and 6 Wonderland Rehearsals

9th February 2023

Rehearsals are progressing well for the year 4 & 6 production of ‘Wonderland the Musical’. The children are working very hard, they have learnt their lines and all the songs. We wanted to share the some photos from the rehearsals so you can see what they have been up to.  We can’t wait to the…

Year 6 Eton College Workshop

9th February 2023

Year 6 were lucky enough to host a virtual workshop from Eton College; their focus was life in the UK during World War 2. The Eton boys talked Year 6 through some of the recipes used during the war.  They had to spot which of the bizarre recipes were not genuine recipes used during the…

Little Lyndhurst – LEAF

9th February 2023

Leaf is one of the favourite subjects of the children in Little Lyndhurst.  In their recent LEAF lesson, they were very excited to use the flints to light a cotton wool ball.  Some of the children were are able to start their own fires independently.  When the children lit their cotton wool ball, they looked…

Little Lyndhurst – Trip to Camberley

9th February 2023

Little Lyndhurst has been having fun pretending to go shopping in the home corner.  The children all had turns at being the cashier and replenishing the shelves.  Following on from the children’s supermarket role play in the class, we went on a lovely walk around the shops in Camberley. The children worked in pairs to…

Camberley Rugby Club

8th February 2023

A big thank you to Camberley Rugby Club for their kind hospitality when they welcomed our Headmaster, Mr Rudkin, to the Camberley Rugby Club to hand out some beanies that Lyndhurst School has donated to the Kinders training group.  Mr Rudkin was able to see the Kinders in action while he watched their training session. …

Little Lyndhurst – Trip to the Pirates Landing

7th February 2023

A massive thank you to all of the staff at the Pirates Landing for the warm welcome to our Nursery and Pre-Reception children from Little Lyndhurst.  The children had so much fun at Pirates Landing!  The children were complimented on how beautifully they sat down to take their coats and shoes off, how nicely they waited…