Author: Louise Nye

Pancake baking in Year 2

14th March 2023

Year 2 have been learning all about pancakes in English.  They beautifully wrote out ingredients and instructions on how to make pancakes.  The children have had lots of fun by finishing off their topic by using the school kitchen to make their own delicious pancakes.   They followed their instructions well and were able to produce…

Internet Safety Day

14th March 2023

A big thank you to One Day Creative for coming in to do a fantastic workshop with the children on Internet safety. Year 1 and 2 children had a pirate themed online safety workshop.  They were taught how to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private.  They also played games to be able…

Little Lyndhurst – fine motor skills fun

13th March 2023

Nursery and Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst always enjoy playing with water.  Recently, they loved filling up the bottles using the pipettes and jugs.  They used their fine motor skills to squeeze the end of the pipettes to suck the water up and empty it into the bottles.   Nursery have also been using their pincer grip…

Little Lyndhurst – Life cycle of a plant

13th March 2023

In Little Lyndhurst, their focus has been on the life cycle of a plant and the children have enjoyed carrying out lots of activities on this topic.  They had to draw the amount of petals around the flower that matches the number in the middle.  Some children painted a flower using the paint dabbers, whilst…

Little Tots – Mother’s day cards and floating

10th March 2023

We had a fun week at our parent and toddler group, Little Tots, this week.  There was flowery Mother’s day card decorating and lots of squishing and squashing of Playdough.  The children joined in beautifully singing some classic nursery rhymes and we were very lucky that our LEAF teacher, Mr Manser, came in and to…

Wonderful Wonderland Performances

10th March 2023

Year 4 and 6 performed their amazing musical production of ‘Wonderland’ on Tuesday and Thursday.  The children sang, danced and acted with enthusiasm. The audience were transported with Alice to the strange and curious world of Wonderland, where they encountered racing animals, argumentative cooks, the Dutchess and her smiling Cheshire cat, the Mad Hatter and…

Little Lyndhurst – Nursery French

9th March 2023

Nursery have recapped their previous topic of farm animals and enjoy joining in singing some of the words to ‘Old MacDonald Had a Farm’ to start off their lesson.  Their French teacher, Madame Hole, has started a new topic of pets and they have been having fun learning the names for fish, mouse, cat and…

Bell ringing and treasure hunts at St Michael’s Church for Years 5 and 6

9th March 2023

A big thank you to Reverend Pippa Ford, Tory and Petra for such a warm welcome for the Year 5 and 6 classes at St Michael’s Church in Camberley to explore the treasures of the Church.  The children learnt that the Bible is the most important treasure because it contains all the stories and information…

Year 2 Kite Designing

9th March 2023

Year 2 have been very busy in their art lessons designing a kite ready to build and hopefully watch flying high in the sky.  The children had to think about the different components of a kite, what are the best materials to use and what design they wanted to create on their kite to make…

Year 5’s Impressive Still Life Artwork

9th March 2023

Year 5 have been working on some very impressive still life artwork.  Their art teacher has been so impressed with their attention to detail and the way that have got the different items in proportion with each other.  Well done Year 5!!