Author: Louise Nye

Little Lyndhurst – Magnetic fun

26th April 2023

Nursery and Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst had lots of fun exploring the egg tray using magnets to figure out which eggs had magnets inside them.  

Little Lyndhurst – Capacity

26th April 2023

Nursery and Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst love playing with water and they were very excited to learn all about capacity using different amounts of water.  They had lots of fun ordering the bowls from full through to empty.

End of term Assembly

26th April 2023

In the end of term assembly Mr Rudkin focused on individual successes and how everyone’s successes are different.  We were reminded of the school’s aims and Lyndhurst values incorporated in the mnemonic ‘Together’.  The school celebrated together the class awards for Achievement, Effort, Spirit of Lyndhurst and Highest number of House points.  In addition to…

Easter bunny visit

31st March 2023

The whole school was treated to a visit from a very special visitor!  The Easter bunny hopped on down to all of the children’s classrooms to give them a special Easter treat as a thank you for all of their hard work this term.    

Easter bonnet parade

31st March 2023

There were some fabulous Easter Bonnets on display in the Hall for our end of term Easter Bonnet parade.  The children rose to the occasion and strutted their stuff down the hall to showcase their amazing Easter creations.  The children loved creating and modelling them. Not only were we all treated to the Easter bonnet…

FoL Easter Bake Sale

31st March 2023

We would like to say a big thank you to all of our parents who baked and donated cakes to the Friends of Lyndhurst Easter bake sale.  All the cakes looked delicious and have got us all into the Easter spirit.  We would also like to say a big thank you to all of the…

Years 3 to 6 Swimming Gala

31st March 2023

A fantastic morning at the Prep school swimming gala.  All the children showed outstanding team spirit and supported one another throughout the event.  Its was excellent to see everybody try their best and make achievements throughout the morning!  Congratulations to the Prep school swimming gala winners Knightsbridge.  Yorktown came in a close second, Cambridge in…

Spring Concert

30th March 2023

The school has been serenaded with beautiful music over the last few weeks and this was finished off with a bang at the Spring Concert.  The Spring concert showcased music from all over the world, decades and Genres, and the children really rose to the challenge of performing to a live audience once again.  We…

House Quiz

30th March 2023

The annual House Quiz took place this week and Tekels, Yorktown, Knightsbridge and Cambridge clashed head-to-head to see who would be crowned victor. Maths questions were answered, English – debated and STEM – worked out, but who was the winner? Only the End of Term Assembly has the answers!

Animal Encounters

30th March 2023

We would like to thank AnnaFrench, from ZooLab Rainforest Explorers for a wonderful visit.  Anna led exciting workshops about the rainforest and animals which live there. The children found out so many interesting facts.   Did you know that half of the animals that live on Earth inhabit rainforests? Also 2/3 of world plants grow in…