Author: Louise Nye

Year 3 and 4 St Michael’s Church Wildlife Hunt

17th May 2023

Years 3 and 4 were lucky enough to be invited to explore the wildlife of St Michael’s Church, in and around their grounds. They saw the fantastic trees that were planted, including a beautiful cedar over 100 years old! The children were then told a story about caterpillars changing into butterflies, with some fantastic dressing…

LAMDA Presentations Year 1 to Year 3

16th May 2023

The LAMDA actors performed their poems and monologues for their parents in the Deacon Hall. They all gave confident performances, and it was lovely to see how the students’ progress through the grades. The children enjoyed seeing each other acting as well. This was a good performance practice before they take their exams. They have…

Little Lyndhurst – Bodhi the Pirate Dog

16th May 2023

Both Nursery and Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst were treated to a visit from an author called Alison Simpson.  She read the book she has written called ‘Bodhi the Pirate Dog’.  The book is all about her dog named Bodhi and she discussed with the children what her dog was like.  It was a lovely story…

Little Lyndhurst – Musical Bells

16th May 2023

Nursery in Little Lyndhurst enjoyed playing the bells and exploring the different sounds they made.  They shared a set of bells with their partner and ended the lesson with one of their favourite songs, “Sleeping bunnies”.

Little Lyndhurst – Dear Zoo

16th May 2023

Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst have been looking at the book ‘Dear Zoo’.  The children got to watch the story and talk about what they saw and what animals they would like as a pet. They all enjoyed painting their favourite Zoo animal, colouring in and completing a game of match the correct skin type to…

Year 6 Bikeability course

15th May 2023

Year 6 had a great time on their Bikeability course this week. They enjoyed learning new skills, road safety awareness and all important bike maintenance checks.  Let’s hope the summer weather continues so that they are able to get out on their bikes and enjoy!  A special thank you to Catherine and Paula from Surrey…

Drama – The power of the voice

15th May 2023

Year 2 have been studying voice for performance this term. They have looked at narration and speaking in unison and this week they looked at dynamics and volume. They have started working on performance poetry in preparation for the poetry recitals after half term.

ISA Young Storyteller Competition Winners

15th May 2023

Lyndhurst School had fantastic results from the ISA Young Storyteller Competition 2023, winning the award for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Young Storyteller.  Congratulations to our Reception class students who worked together to produce an adventurous and captivating tale.  They showed great imagination and produced some fantastic ideas for their story.  Congratulations also to…

ISA Drama Competition Winners

15th May 2023

Lyndhurst School had amazing results from the ISA Drama Competition 2023, winning the award for the Best Musical. Our wonderful leading lady won the award for the Best Individual Performance for her portrayal of Alice. This is the second year running that Lyndhurst has won the Best Musical award. Congratulations to all the cast and…

Little Lyndhurst – Traditional Tales

12th May 2023

In Nursery in Little Lyndhurst, the children have been learning all about traditional tales which they focused on the stories ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and ‘The Gingerbread Man’.   They have done lots of activities based on these stories including building the trolls bridge and using positional language to describe if the characters are on…