Author: Louise Nye

Reception enjoying ‘Le Petit Chaperon Rouge’

25th May 2023

In Reception this half-term, the children have been reading ‘Le Petit Chaperon Rouge’ (‘Little Red Riding Hood’). They have learned the key vocabulary first of all, together with some actions. Then the children listened to the story and put their hands up when they heard words they knew. Finally they joined in with the key…

Year 5 and 6 Athletics at Barfield School

25th May 2023

A great day for Athletics at Barfield School!  All of year 5 & 6 pupils took part in a range of athletic events including high jump and turbo javelin.  We had some great performances from everyone, a special mention to Buck for his effort in the long jump and 50m sprint.  Go team Lyndhurst!

Rags2Riches collection date – Monday 19th June

24th May 2023

Lyndhurst School will be taking part in the Rags2Riches4schools bag collection again on Monday 19th June.  We kindly ask you to donate reusable clothing that is clean, dry and in good condition.  The money from any bags that are donated will go towards the school’s chosen charity for this year, Cancer Research UK.

Little Lyndhurst – Pirate party

24th May 2023

Pre-Reception in Little Lyndhurst were very excited to join in with some pirate fun and games.  Each child made their own treasure map. First, they used tea bags to stain their paper then once it was dry, the children used colours to draw out their maps.  The children printed gold treasure using bottle top lids…

Little Lyndhurst – Garden fun!

24th May 2023

All the children in Little Lyndhurst love exploring out in the garden, especially when the sun is shining.  The children have enjoyed playing with the dinosaurs in the sand pit, exploring the toys in the water tray and pretending to be builders fixing the house.

Little Lyndhurst – Food

24th May 2023

In Nursery, at circle time we talked about foods that are healthy and unhealthy for us. Miss Roshier was very impressed by the knowledge the children showed as some said that cake and chocolate is very sugary and not good for our teeth. They knew that fruit and vegetables are good for us. We talked…

Little Lyndhurst – 2D shapes

24th May 2023

In Nursery and Pre-Reception, the children have been looking at 2D shapes and their properties including, circles, triangles and rectangles.  Many of the children did very well at knowing most of their 2D shapes. We started off with circles then followed by triangles and rectangles. The children enjoyed going around the classroom and spotting circles….

Little Lyndhurst – People who help us

24th May 2023

Nursery in Little Lyndhurst have been learning about people who help us. The children have been pretending to be doctors by looking after each other, the babies and animals. There has been a lot of dressing up as fire fighters, police officers and doctors and small world play with the fire station and trucks. They…

Year 5 Runway’s End Outdoor Centre

23rd May 2023

Year 5 had great fun on their residential trip to Runway’s End Outdoor Centre. They were lucky enough to do a range of activities, including kayaking, raft building and rock climbing. Fortunately not too many children got wet! The children also competed to be the ace marksman in both archery and air rifle shooting –…

Year 5 Music Plus lessons

23rd May 2023

The year 5’s were lucky this year to begin the all new ‘Music Plus’ lessons with Mrs Peacock.  This is a bonus music lesson, on top of their regular timetable and weekly class music. So far the lessons have consisted of looking at famous Composers, paying particular attention to Amedeus Motzart and Ludwig Van Beethoven.  During…