Author: Louise Nye

Year 6 – Day 2 @ Elan Valley, Wales

23rd May 2018

Tuesday has been a great success here in Elan Valley. We spent the morning swinging from trees, with the zip wire hugely popular, the tower-building/crate stacking challenge leading to some excellent teamwork and the infamous high-rope “leap of faith” challenge attempted by all without hesitation. Most of us did better on our second attempts! In…

Year 6 – Day 1 @ Elan Valley Wales

23rd May 2018

Well, we all arrived safely in Wales; the children were great on the journey, no one was sick and no-one complained about how long it took. A promising start. When we got to the lodge, we began by finding our rooms and having a cup of tea (that’s the teachers). Then we all got into…

Year 6 to The Houses of Parliament

21st May 2018

Year 6 had a fantastic trip to the Houses of Parliament in London! They set off from Camberley Station full of excitement as they wondered what the day would hold. Stories and riddles were told on the train as well as jokes and ‘I spy…’ attempts. London Waterloo was busy, and we made our way…

Dramatic in the Jungle

21st May 2018

Children from Reception class to Year 3 participated in a jungle themed drama workshop last week. They engaged in group improvisational work set in a jungle habitat; where they explored the characteristics of different jungle animals. The children looked at predators and prey and went on an expedition to save the last white tiger from…

Pedals Training for Year 1 & 2

14th May 2018

Year 1 and 2 had there pedal training on Thursday. It was glorious weather and they were very excited. Jessica (the lady doing the training) taught them all about road safety and how to look out for dangers. Then they also learnt about different parts on the bike and the importance of wearing the correct…

Whole School Maths Day

11th May 2018

This week saw the beginning of special subject days at Lyndhurst. We started off with Maths. The children began their day with a whole school assembly where we talked about the importance of Maths in our lives and discovered that there is no job that doesn’t need Maths. We also looked at famous people from…

A Delivery from Tim Peake for Year 2

10th May 2018

In the Autumn Term, Year 2 wrote letters to Tim Peake to share their passion for learning about Space. About two months ago we received a letter from European Space Agency that Mr Peake had been very busy and had not been able to reply. Today a postman surprised us with a special poster with…

PUPIL VOICE – Lyndhurst Ledger – LATEST Edition!

4th May 2018

Hope you enjoy the second edition of our pupil newspaper

Year 4 English Competition @ Greenfields

4th May 2018

The annual Greenfields Year 4 English Competition was a very successful event this year, and when we arrived we saw that the field had expanded from nine to twelve competing teams! The Lyndhurst Team excelled and impressed with their knowledge of spellings, idioms, grammar and vocabulary, as well as their prowess at Creative Writing. More…

The Book Fair @ Lyndhurst

27th April 2018

This week, Year 6 took over the Book Fair! The children who took part did an excellent job of customer support, handling stock and cash, and showed exceptional politeness and professionalism throughout. The Book Fair, as always, was a roaring success, and we look forward to the new resources for our school that we will…