Author: Louise Nye

Forum with Michael Gove @ Lyndhurst

8th February 2019

We had a great time today talking with MP Michael Gove. First, Mr Gove introduced himself and told us about the workings of his job – it was interesting to hear about his role in Parliament. He then asked us if we had any questions to ask him; we had prepared many great (and tricky!)…

Lyndhurst Explorers

8th February 2019

Years 5 and 6 were lucky enough to have an English workshop with Explore Learning. They were all really excited about the prospect and leapt into the task of describing a tropical island! There were lots of great ideas whizzing around and all of the children enjoyed themselves. They even earned themselves some Lizard Cards…

Lyndhurst @ Young Voices 2019

8th February 2019

Mrs Peacock, Head of Music writes… I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you for your support with the Young Voices concert this year. The students really did you all, and the school proud.  I was even approached by members of the O2 Arena staff on how well behaved and…

Upper School Cake Sale

8th February 2019

Many thanks to the Upper School children and parents for baking and selling so many delicious treats for the cake sale this week. Your efforts raised £102.80 for the Friends of Lyndhurst Funds.

Superheroes Workshop

1st February 2019

This week the children from Early Years up to Year  2 were all Superheroes! They had to help Super bear save the planet from the Party people who were using all of the earth’s resources to have a good time! They had to be four different Superheroes – Aquaman who shot water at the party…

Readathon Week @ Lyndhurst

1st February 2019

This week reading challenge for the Year 1 – Year 6 children has been welcomed with great enthusiasm! Even the usually reluctant readers were eager to read at form time, break time and lunch time to earn minutes and add them to the class total. The children encouraged each other to read more and really enjoyed reading books…

Year 5 Art News

31st January 2019

In art this term year 5 have been studying negative spaces. They have been focusing on the spaces in between objects and spaces where things are missing. They produced some lovely abstract art work using cut outs to illustrate this concept.

Year 2 Art News

31st January 2019

Year 2 have been studying the work of Henri Matisse in art lessons. They have painted some lovely jungle leaves and used a sgraffito effect to define the veins on the leaves. We think they look great!

Story Telling Week @ Lyndhurst

31st January 2019

Another great event during the Story Telling Week! Year Three and Four were encouraged to be fearless learners and to take challenges in the Discovery Workshop.  They had to imagine themselves in the Amazon Rainforest as intrepid explorers, but also forgetful, as they had left their camera behind.  The children ‘discovered’ endangered species and had to write…

Senior School Success for Year 6

29th January 2019

Year 6 have recently taken their exams for Senior School entry in September and we are delighted to announce some of the results FARNBOROUGH HILL –  all the girls, Rosa, Bella, Eva and Molly  were successful – Well Done! Also, Rosa was called back for further assessments having preformed so well in the initial exams…